Isaac Kehimkar
Guru - Entomology
Isaac Kehimkar can best be described as an avid naturalist, keen nature photographer and respected author in one enterprising and imaginative package. His published works include Common Indian Wild Flowers Moths - an Introduction Common Butterflies of India Incredible Insects and Book of Indian Butterflies. His new book on Indian butterflies, jointly published by Oxford University Press and BNHS (Bombay Natural History Society), has just been released.
His special interests are reptiles, amphibians, insects and plants. He travels widely to study and document his wildlife subjects. His photographs and articles have appeared in leading nature publications like Sanctuary and Hornbill. Isaac is presently the joint editor of the Society’s quarterly natural history magazine, Hornbill, besides serving as its general manager (programmes).
Isaac joined the reputed Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) as a volunteer 30 years ago. He has been,since then, lending his expertise and time to its Library, Publications, Members’ programmes and Public Relations initiatives.He is a recipient of the prestigious Fulbright Fellowship, awarded to him in 2006 to study American Environmental NGOs.
Visit the BNHS website and his photographs on flickr to know more about him and his work.