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Spot the Fawn in the Picture!
Fawn, Kabini Now you see him; now you don’t! He may be barely a few weeks old, and look as cute as a button, but that’s only when you...
Apr 2, 2014

Oh My Gaur!
Gaur, Kabini It’s a cow… it’s a battle-tank… it’s Supercow! It has powers other cows don’t, and is from a hidden world beginning with...
Jan 8, 2014

The Kabini Armoured Corps!
Pangolin, Kabini Gone are the days of Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad and other knights in shining armour. When you think of armour today, the...
Aug 22, 2013

Momma’s Boy!
Elephant Calf, Kabini If we polled our fair women readers, chances are a high percentage will claim that men never grow up, and are...
Feb 27, 2013

The Kabini Underwater Construction Company!
Smooth-coated otter, Kabini The Kabini Dam is often in the news, holding, as it does, the status of a gatekeeper of the economic fortunes...
Dec 20, 2012

The Hummingbird with Nine Lives!
Rusty-spotted cat, Kabini He’s small. He’s hyperactive. He’s highly agile. And he spends most of his day high up on a tree. It is these...
Oct 31, 2012

The Day of the Jackal
Jackal, Coorg - Bibliophiles and cinema buffs have long known ‘The Jackal’ as a furtive killer whose presence is felt only after he’s...
Aug 29, 2012

A Picture is Worth 5000 Years!
Man and Elephant, Kabini - It’s a bond that has endured over 5000 years, through epochal moments in history and eras of relative calm...
Jun 13, 2012

The Family Tree
Leopard, Kabini - Brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, cousins; you’ll find every branch of the Leopard family living, quite literally,...
Sep 7, 2011

Sambar for the Carnivorous Soul
Sambar Deer, Kabini - Tigers must definitely have South Indian sensibilities. For, their favourite meal is the Sambar, a staple of every...
May 4, 2011

Not a ‘Merchant’ Ivory Production
Asiatic Bull Elephant, Kabini - For centuries, elephants have been seen merely as mobile ivory holders: temporary guardians, as it were,...
Feb 23, 2011

Jungle Deodorant
Slender Loris, Kabini - Deodorants come in some of the snazziest packages these days, though the one found in Kabini takes the cake for...
Dec 29, 2010

The Case of the Bashful Giant
Malabar Giant Squirrel, Coorg - Amongst the largest of his species, this champion athlete of the treetops pulls off gravity-defying leaps...
Dec 15, 2010

The Kabini Philharmonic
Sloth Bear, Kabini - Imagine a full scale orchestra playing in the middle of the jungle. Imagine discovering that the composer also...
Sep 22, 2010

Fight Club
Stripe-necked Mongoose, Kabini - If a friend were to tell you about spotting a striped predator, prowling in the undergrowth near the...
Aug 24, 2010

Limited Edition Anniversary Model
Tiger, Kabini - Meet the most magnificent specimen that’s rolled out of God’s evolutionary factory. Custom built to be the ultimate...
Aug 11, 2010

Dancing in the rain
Elephant in the rain, Kabini - Think of the monsoons and the mind goes to svelte Bollywood sirens gyrating to songs with a subliminal...
Jun 30, 2010

And quiet flows the Kabini…
Sambar Deer crossing, Kabini - There comes a time in the lives of even the mightiest forces, when it’s not all about that relentless...
May 5, 2010

The Chameleon that ate a Deer
Leopard, Kabini A leopard can’t change colour. Period. And we’ve always been told he can’t change his spots. Yet he qualifies as the...
Oct 8, 2009

Why did the Elephant go to the dentist?
Makhna, Kabini - Because he wanted a new set of teeth. Because he was a Makhna, and didn’t have those gleaming dental showpieces that his...
Sep 9, 2009
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